New Brother

2008 May 06

Created by Sandy 16 years ago
Today at 00.44am UK time your brother arrived into the world.Mummy said after you left,"no more babies" but got pregnant "by accident".I really want to be happy but something is stopping me getting close as the new baby is at high risk of it happening again, we can not go through another loss.Your brother was big,8 pounds 10.5 oz and is called Darius.Alisha do not think you are replaced as this will never be,you were you and your brother is him.I hope you watch over him sweetheart,I do not know when or if I will get to see him as your mummy now lives in Leeds which is a very long way from me.I feel bad as I have not been able to visit your grave for a bit and it hurts me so much.I will come darling soon as I can,you are in my heart always.Never stop thinking about you,it is so hard. xxxxxx
